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in accordance with instructions received from your office date Dec. 20th 1866

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient servant
Wm M. Colby
Gen. Supt. Schools for Ark

Office Genl Supt. of Schools
Little Rock. Ark. Jan. 9th 1867

Lyman James O.
Pine Bluff, Ark.

Dear Sir:

Maj. Dawes probably has on file Cir. No. 3, Chief Qr. Master Washington Nov. 28th 1866:  If so make out your account under his direction according to the form there given, signing in triplicate the certificate and the receipt attached, forward to me and I will endeavor to secure the account for you.  The Secretary should furnish you with the blanks, and will, no doubt, in time

Respectfully Yours,
Wm M. Colby.
Genl. Supt. Fr. Schools.

File 8.

Office of Genl Supt. of Schools
Little Rock. Ark. Jan. 9th 1866

McCullough W. S. Supt. &c
Devalls Bluff Ark.

Dear Sir:

There being no serious hindrance I will meet the freedman of DeValls Bluff on Monday the 14th instant to confer upon the subject of schools  Give notice Sunday


Respectfully Yours,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Schools for Ark.

F. 9

Office of Genl. Supt. Schools.
Little Rock, Ark. Jan. 9th 1867

Shipher Rev. J. R.
Sec'y A.M.A. Chicago, Ill.


From the report of Major F. W. Thibaut in response to Circular No. 28 (Genl Ord) I make the following extract:

Washington Arkansas.
Decem. 15th 1866
"I am in receipt of a letter from a planter on Red River who is anxious to employ a suitable teacher and is willing to pay $30.00 a month board &c and even do more than this if the freedmen on his place will encourage their children to attend to their improvement.  He states that if some man (an old man of steady and sober habits preferred) could be obtained he would retain him, until the children on his place were well advanced.  He has now on his place 47 children, many of them however too young to attend school.  The colored children here would learn rapidly, as they are all eager for an opportunity to get to school.

I am perfectly satisfied that every colored person, who has children would by all means have them attend, and educated as far as possible."  Washington is the important town of S.W. Ark. - has been a school there - freepeople intelligent and enterprising.  It is on the main Texas thoroughfare.

Yours &c
Wm M. Colby
Genl. Supt. F Schools
File 15, 1867.