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Office Gen'l. Sup't. Schools
Little Rock Ark. Jan. 31" 1867

Thibaut Brt. Maj F. W.
Gen’l Sup’t. Freedman
Washington, Ark.

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Your favor of the 23rd inst is at hand. We hope to erect a school building worth (including the labor) at least $1000.00 at Washington when assured that the freedmen own in fee simple suitable ground for the purpose. The deed should be made to a board of trustees. (Colored men and permanent residents) in trust for school purposes Such is the advice of Judge Caldwell of the U.S. Court. I can furnish a plan which I think will suit you better than the one forwarded
I am Major
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Gen’l Supt. School Ark 

Office Gen’l Sup’t Schools
Little Rock Ark. Jan. 31st 1867

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Miller Rev. E. K.
Pine Bluff, Ark.
Dear Sir:
I have just learned that you must be recommended for appointment by Gen’l Howard. Hence you will not receive your permanent order for some time. This I am told need make no delay in the work, nor need you feel any uneasiness concerning your status Genl. Ord’s recommendation is equivalent to 


an appointment by Genl. Howard. You will go right forward in your work. communicating frequently this office and at the end of Febry and each month thereafter, make a full report of your work.

Very Respectfully
Wm M. Colby
Genl. Supt. Fr. Schools

Office Genl. Sup't: Fr. Schools
Little Rock Ark. Jan. 30" 1867

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Page Bvt. Col. Henry,
A. A. A. Genl.
I have the honor to transmit here with plan and specifications, for school house for freedmen at Helena, Arkansas for your examination and approval.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Gen’l Supt. Schools for Arkansas

Office Gen’l. Sup’t. Schools
Little Rock, Ark. Jan 31st 1867

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Shipherd Rev. J.R.,
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir: 
The Methodists desire to respect the rights of all parties engaged in the freedmen work in this state, and yet they are anxious to occupy some one point as a base of opperations. Will you please state which one of the three points. DeValls Bluff, Ft. Smith