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[page] 138
in the city and considered by some to be the best.
Very Respectfully
Wm M. M. Colby
Gen'l. Supt. Schools, Arks.

Office Gen'l. Supt Schools
Little Rock.Ark. Mar. 21st 1867

Chrane Major:
Commissary of Subsistance
Little Rock. Ark.
I have the honor to enclose herewith a certified list of teachers at this Post who are creditled to purchase rations of the government on the same terms as officers of the army.
The authority for such sales to teachers is contained in Maj. Gen'l. Howard's Circular No. 7 Series 1865, and is in the following words:
"Rations will not be gratuitously issued to teachers of Refugees or Freedmen, or to other persons voluntarily laboring for the benefit of such persons but such teachers as are authorized by the Asst. Commissioners of the Bureau, while actually on duty in their fields of labor may purchase rations of the government under precisely the same rules which apply to such purchases when made by commissioned officers of the army
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Gen'l. Sup't. Schools, Ark.

[page] 139

Office Gen'l. Supt. Schools
Little Rock, Ark. March 22" 1867

[[left margin]] 136/140 [[/left margin]]
Tyler Major Jno.
A.A.A. Gen'l.
I have the honor to enclose herewith vouchers for transportation for Mr. Geo. M. Haskell for the approval of the Assistant Commissioner.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Gen'l. Supt. Schools, Ark.

Office Gen'l. Supt. Schools
Little Rock, Ark. March 22" 1867

[[left margin]] 124/153 [[/left margin]]
Harrison Timothy
Secy. Ex. Com. Ind. & M. F.
Dear Sirs:
I would respectfully request you to furnish another laborer for this place - agreeble men. If the freedmen keep this agreement with this office a large "independent" or "private" school will close next week.  At a meeting of the trustees of the Wesley Chapel (colored) Church held on the 9th inst. the following action was taken unanimously.
"Moved by Mr. Upshard and seconded by Mr Jackson that the school connected with out church be placed under the direction of the Freedmen's Bureau after the first day of April next"  Please send a man who is ambitious and energetic.  Other things being equal I should prefer a man whom Mr. Bubler may suggest, as harmony