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of which will at once suggest themselves to you, that the names of teachers and their relative standing be known at this office , as contemplated in the circular above alluded to. 

Very respectfully yours, 
Wm. M. Colby
Gen'l Supt. Schools Ark.

File 75. 1867

Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 12" 1867

Sweeney Bvt. Maj. H.
Agent Bu. of R.F. & A.L.
Black board is an essential part of every school house and should be paid for as such. It is specially provided in plan and specifications of your new school house.
With the supply for the new school house an extra supply could be secured and fe[[?]] for, for use i the existing schools, having qualified Bureau teachers.
Abundance of board is an invaluable aid to every good teacher.
I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education for Ark.  


Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 15" 1867

Banzhaf Capt Chas,
Agent. Bu, RF & AL,
Ft Smith Arkansas,
I have the honor to state that a plan for a school house for freedmen at Fort Smith will be submitted as soon as I am officially informed that a suitable site has been secured in fee simple by the parties interested.
I take the liberty to suggest the importance of prompt action on the part of the freedmen and their freinds in the matter.
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. M Colby
Sup't. Education.

Transcription Notes: