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Office Genl. Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 16, 1867

Alvord Rev. J.M.

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Genl. Supt. Schools 
Bu. R.F. & AL. Washtn D.C.
Dear Sir:
    I have the honor to request that the following school blanks be furnished for use in this State:
(300) Three hundred teacher's reports
(50) Fifty consolidated teacher's reports
Very Respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm.M. Colby
Supt. of Education for Ark.

Office Genl. Sup't. Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 18 1869
Thinney Rev. Chas. G.
Pres. Oberlin College,
Oberlin Ohio.
Dear Sir:
    At the suggestion of a former student at your college, Mr. Wm A. Stuart, I take the liberty to address you in reference to a supply of teachers for freedmen in this State. We do not ask or expect this as a charity. The freedmen are willing to pay and in scores are abundantly able to pay a fair compensation for services rendered: While the government through Cecil Howard, will furnish transportation to them. we want good and competent men and women for this work 


both white and black. Can you not aid us in disseminating light and knowledge among these people? Any information you can impart learning upon this matter will be very gratefully received.
                Very Respectfully yours
                Wm. M. Colby
File 96, 1867   Genl. Sup't. Education

Office Genl Sup't. Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 20' 1869
Sweeney Bob Maj. [[Ne?]]

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Agt. Bu. R.F.& A.L.
Helena, Ark.
    I have the honor to return here with copies of weekly reports of teachers for completion.
    Very Respectfully,
         Your Obedient Servant,
         Wm M. Colby
         Gen'l. Sup't. Education

Office Gen'l. Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 20' 1867
Scroggins Mr. Jno. H.

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Sup't Bur. R.&F.
Yours of March 12" relative to teachers of Freedmen is received and contents carefully noted. I had confidently expected to supply your county at least partially with the teachers the present season; but the financial stringency at the north is greatly impeding our work, and I fear we

Transcription Notes:
"Sup't" and "Supt" are likely shorthand for "superintendent"