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shall not be able to send you a single laborer. There are now on our books more than twenty applications for teachers from parties who promise to furnish school house and guarantee payment of wages. Nearly all these parties must according to present indications be disapointed, I deeply regret this, but it seems inevitable.

Rest assured, Sir, that I shall do all in my power to extend the work at some functions into Calhoun County. I do not forget that you were among the first to perceive and urge the importance of educating the freedpeople.

Respectfully & Truly Yours,
Wm M. Colby
Sup't. Education for Ark.

Ofice Gen'l. Supt Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 23rd, 1867

Wright Esq. F.E
Helena, Ark,

Dear Sir:
Your favor of April 11th containing a statement relative to the establishment of a school for freedmen on the Hubbard plantation is received.

We do not have the control of any funds for the payment of teacher's wages - but we transport teachers, rent, repairs and build school houses. Teachers coming through the agency of the aid societies are furnished transportation from Washington.

It is possible that we can assist your teacher to the extent of securing actual cost


of transportation from her house in Keskuk to your place, upon a full statement of all the facts in the case. If she were commissioned by the Am. Miss. Association (Rev. J.A. Shipherd, Secretary, Chicago, Ill.) or by some other Aid Society it would doubtless facilitate the matter.

I respectfully refer you to Circular No. 3. Series 1866 Office Chief Quartermaster, Washington D.C. on file in Maj. Sweeney's office.

Should be pleased to receive a communication from your teacher, concerning her school. You will please assure her of my sympathy, and of such assistance as it is in my power to render.

I am very Respectfully Yours
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education for Ark.

Office Gen'l. Sup't. Education
Little Rock, Ark. April 23rd 1867

Tyler Bv't. Maj. John
A.A.A. Gen'l. Bu. R.F. & A.L
Little Rock, Ark,

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I have the honor respectfully to request that an order be made authorising Rev. E.K. Miller assist Supt. of Schools to proceed in charge of teachers to Jefferson, Arkansas, and Desha Counties, there to Superintend the organization of schools; to proceed thence to Pine Bluff and complete arrangements for securing school house site. & afterward return to Little Rock and make a