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Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark. May 8th, 1867

Harrison Q.

Sec'y. Ind. & M. of Friends, 
Richmond, Ind. 

Dear Sirs:
Some days since I called your attention to the matter of payment of transportation of your teacher at Helena, Ark. Before transportation is paid teachers, They must have certificates from this office as provided in circular 23 paragraph 1. heretofore sent you. and before I can certify that a teacher has furnished satisfactory evidence &c. I must have that evidence, either by personal Examination or otherwise. 

Allow me to renew the request made in my communication of August 23rd 1866 to wit; that you furnish official list of names of teachers sent to the field that I may know the names of teachers in the State, as well as their members and thus be enabled to correspond with and assist them at such times and in such manner as shall be deemed best. 

Will you please consult the circular from the Chief Quartermaster's office (No. 3, 1866 heretofore sent you) and inform me if transportation was applied for at Washington, for teachers last sent to Helena, in compliance with provisions of said circular. 

Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby
Sup't. Education, Ark.
File 102 1867


Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark. May 13th 1867

Smith Bvt Brig. Gen'l C. N.
Asst. Commissioner, Bu. R.F & A.L. of Ark.

I have the honor to state that owing to the high price of real estate and the poverty of the people at Ft. Smith Ark., great difficulty is experienced in securing a site for a school house. I would therefore most respectfully request that one acre of land, more or less, be set apart from the military reservation at the place to be used as a school-house site and to be in custody of the Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and And Abandoned Lands.   

I have this honor to be
Very Respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm. M. Colby 
Sup't Education for Ark.

Office Sup't Education 
Little Rock, Ark. May 14 1867

Dawes Maj. Wm. J.
Sgt Bu. R.F & A.L.
Pine Bluff, Ark, 


I have the honor to call your attention to the matter of school accommodations on the Cockrill Place. Will you have the kindness to enquire by whose authority our teacher there has been deprived of the building occupied for school purposes last year. which I have been informed is the property of the Bureau, and similar in 

Transcription Notes:
Edited: minor changes, added page numbers