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Office Supt of Education,
Little Rock Ark. June 7, 1867

Bennett Bv't Brig. John E.
A. A. A. General
I have the honor to transmit herewith transportation accounts of Lizzie Edwards, Mary Jane Edwards, Mary Stuart, Almira King,and Eliza Clark, teachers of freedmen at and near Helena, for approval of the assistant commissioner. 

I would remark that these teachers arrived early, last Autumn before instructions were received in regard to transportation being furnished from Washington. 

Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education for Ark.

Office of Supt of Education
Little Rock Ark June 7. 1867

Alvord Rev. J. W. 
Genl Supt. Schools
Washington D.C

Dear Sir:
I have to state that all our mails except one weekly mail from the east via White river have been interrupted by recent floods: consequently teachers reports do not reach me, and any report for May will, I fear, be somewhat delayed -

I have submitted a suggestive circular upon school matters to the Asst. Commissioner, which will doubtless be issued either entire or in a modified form. It relates mainly to Circular No 5 and reports


Work is progressing very satisfactorily on school building here and at Helena. 

Very Truly Yours
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education for Ark

Office Supt. of Education
Little Rock Ark. June 8th 1867

Watson Maj J. T. 
Agent Bu. R. F. and A. L. 
Washington Ark

Wishing all accessable [[accessible]] data for any forthcoming report I would respectfully ask for a brief statement in regard to progress of the work on your School house for freedmen! also what interest the freedman manifest concerning it. I have excellent reports from Mr. Casey, the teacher there. 

Building will soon be completed at Helena and work is progressing very satisfactorily on the one at this place

I am very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant, 
Wm. M Colby
Supt. Education, Ark.

Office Supt. Education
Little Rock Ark June 12 67

Watson Maj. J. T.
Agent B.R and A.L.
Washington, Ark.


Yours of May 24th inquiring in regard to placing stoves in the school house at Washington is this day received.

I would respectfully state that it is designed to drop the stove down into an opening of sufficient size, and deep enough to allow the top of the same to be about on a level with the floor. The bottom and sides of this opening should be large enough and the walls thick enough to avoid

Transcription Notes:
edited: filled in blanks