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Office Supt. Education
Little Rock. Ark July 5. 67

Willis Lieut Hiram F.
Agt. Bu. R.F. and A.L.
Rocky Comfort Ark.

Dr Sir: 
I herewith forward for your information extracts from a letter of Rev. J. R. Shepherd. Secty Am. Missionary Association Chicago Ill. in regard to a supply of teachers. 

x x x x x x x 

"There are two objections to sending the teachers asked for. 1st the season of the year. 2nd the probabilities of a bad crop. Cutting off the promised salaries. If such requests are sent me next September, they can be promptly filled to almost any extent." 
Respectfully yours
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education 

Office Supt Education
Little Rock July 9, 1867

Casey David C. 
Washington, Ark.

Dear Sir:
Your report for June and letter of June 29. are just at hands. I endorse your action in regard to vacation, and fully approve your course in expelling the girls of bad repute. Keep your school pure of all hazards. The Trustees should guarantee your compensation. I suggest that you gradually adopt the practice of requiring payment monthly in advance. I need not urge upon you the importance of exercising great prudence in the matter, that as for of the worthy poor as possible be excluded from the benefits of the school. 


Your inquiries will be answered by private letter.
Very respectfully yours. 
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education Ark. 

Office Supt Education
Little Rock. July 11, 1867

Crane Miss Ellen
Urbana, Ill.

Your note of 29th June is at hand making inquiries in regard to schools and teachers for freedmen in Arkansas. 
In reply I could state that all over the state the freedmen are clamoring for schools, and are famishing for the grant of moral and intellectual training, but we have no fund in the bureau to pay teachers, and rely mainly upon the charity of northern people for means to carry on the work. 
It will not perhaps be advisable for teachers to come to the state from the north before the ensuing October. They should come through the agency of some of the "Aid Societies." Rev J. R. Shipherd. Secty Am. Miss Association 29 Lombard block Chicago Ill. will send us teachers this Autumn, and I recommend you to apply to him for a position in Arkansas, and he will give you farther information. 
I shall be glad to welcome you to this field. 
File 112
Very truly
Wm. M. Colby
Supt Education Ark.

Transcription Notes:
Wm is short for William, Sec'y is Secretary, changes and corrections