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Office Supt. Education,
Little Rock, Ark., July. 26. 67

Carhart J. W
Agent B.R.F & A.L,
Magnolia, Ark.
Your favor of June 28th concerning the rental of a building and the establishment of a freedmen school at Magnolia is just received. Your application is filed. Before recommending the rental of a building I wish to know definitely the number of children who will attend school regularly if one is established, and the number who will pay $1.00 per mo. tuition for day and 75 cents for night school.
I should be glad to see schools established over the state regardless of tuition fees but so many are the demands on the benevolence of the north that we are barely able to secure teachers for strictly self sustaining schools. 
Very respectfully
your obedient servant, 
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education for Ark.
File 167 - 1867         

Office Supt. Education, 
Little Rock, Ark, July 26,67.

Geisseiter Lieut. B.
Agent, Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
You will please find enclosed


passes for the transportation of Mary B Hitchcock, James O. Lyman, C B Tenney, Almira C. Pierce and Wm. A. Hubbard, Teachers from Pine Bluff, Ark., to Memphis Tenn, with the orders to procure further transportation to their homes.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient, Servt,
Wm. M Colby
Supt. Education, Ark.

File 169 - 

Office Supt. Education,
Little Rock Ark, July 27, 67

Shipherd, J. R.
Sec'y &c, Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir: 
I have the honor to furnish the following extracts from communication of Lieut, S, Geisseiter Agent at Pine Bluff; dated July 24th showing the interest taken in our teachers and our work: - 
"Miss Tenney left last night. Mrs. Pierce is much better and well cared for. Mrs. Hitchcock is very anxious to leave, and Mrs. Miller has gone to make arrangements to have her leave on first boat. 
I have every reason to be encouraged and hope you have also. X X X I would like to see Mrs. Pierce Mrs Lyman and Mrs. Hubbard and [as] many more return to this district this fall, doubtless be able to establish a number of self supporting schools this fall but in order to make them a success none but good teachers ought to have charge of them. But little has as 



Transcription Notes:
Edited: filled in blanks, Supt is for Superintendent, Wm. is short for William, added page numbers, per SI don't truncate words even if truncated on page such as Hitchcock, removed lines not required, read instructions so far Top of the page is left side Right side starts at "You will please ..."