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Little Rock, Ark
January 4th 1868

Thorp, J S
Agent &c
Camden, Ark

I have the honor to inform your that Mr. Purdy who passed through the city on the 1st inst to take charge of the educational work at the Camden has proved unworthy of the position and the Society under whose auspices he came to the State  has revoked his Commission. You will therefore not countenance him as he will not be recognized at this office.
A gentlemen who is know to us and has done good service in the State will be sent to Camden without much delay.
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm M Colby
Supt. Education
File 2&22 Jan 1868  SR 25.1868
S.S.19 O.S.E. 1868

Little Rock, Ark
January 4th 1868

Shepherd, Rev. J.R.
Sec'y Am. Miss. Association
Chicago Ill.

Dear Sir:
Mr. Purdy commissioned by yourself as Missionary Teacher among the freedmen at was intoxicated while in this city and gave otherwise unmistakable evidence of unfitness for the position of Missionary Teacher.
Being satisfied of his total unfitness we have washed our hands of him and recommend that you dismiss him before he disgraces your society further. I sincerely regret the necessity for the note.
Very truly Yours
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
F Jan 1868 S.R. 2 & 25 /68 F 22 Jan/68


Little Rock, Ark
January 7th 1868

Smith, V.V.
Agent B.R.F. and A L.
Lewisville, Ark.

The enclosed letter having been inadvertantly dropped in the P.O. without payment of postage is just returned to this office after a pilgrimage to Washington, D.C. By  last mail I have advices to the effect that Mr. Baldwin will report in a very short time. Please notify me at once of the situation of affairs at Lewisville in reference to schools at the present time.
I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant 
Wm M Colby
Supt. Education
LS 22 1868
File 26 Jan 1868
S.R. 33 1868.
S.S. O.S.E. 1867 L 232

Little Rock, Arkansas
January 8th 1868

Habicht, A.E.
Agent B.R. F. and A.L.
Arkadelphia, Ark.

I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of yours of the 5th inst. enclosing school report and copy of Lieut Tyle's letter
No further vouchers for School house expenditures are necessary.
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
File 11 Jan. 1868
S.R. 12-1868