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Little Rock Ark
January 29th, 1868
Smith, V. V. 
Agent B. R. F & A.L.
Lewisville, Ark. 
Your favor of the 23rd inst is at hand. If there is to be a permanent School population of forty (40) pupils as Lewisville I advise that you secure the erection of a building on the land owned by the freedmen, as provided in Circular 21, dated Nov. 18, 1867. 
It is perhaps as well that Mr. B. did not come, as, I gather from your letter he would not have received the promised local Support. If a teacher can be paid I will secure the rental of a building at once. 
I have the honor to be etc.
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education

L.R. 33. 1868        
L.S. 3. 1868             
File 26. Jan. 1868

Little Rock Ark
January 2930th, 1868
Hare, Mr. George
Arkadelphia Ark.
Dear Sir:
From yours of the 22nd inst. I infer that you understand membership in the Vanguard to be limited to the boys connected with the School - it should include the girls as well.
Hope you will be able to form a "Division" even though you have to change the "Manual" a little to suit your circumstances.
I am certainly glad you have been appointed local preacher if your support will be augmented and your usefulness increased by it.
Yours very cordially
Wm M. Colby.
Supt. Education
L.R. 31. 1868.


Little Rock, Ark.
Feb'y 6. 1868.-
Chapman Mr. E.O.
Lewisville Ark.
Sir: I have to thank you for your favor of the 28" ult. informing of your action looking toward the establishment of a freedmen School at Hot Springs. Mr. Roberts has been informed that the rent of a building will certainly be paid if the number of pupils attending will warrant.
Thanking you for interesting yourself in the matter.
I remain
Very respectfull, etc.
Wm. M Colby
Supt Education
L.R. 35 1868

Little Rock, Ark.
Feb'y 6. 1868.
Roberts Mr. Hezekiah.
Hot Springs, Ark.
Mr. E.O. Chapman wrote me from Hot Springs under date of Jany 28" Stating that you were to open a School for freedmen at that place, asking assistance in their behalf.
We Shall be very glad to pay the rent of a room for School purposes if the number of pupils attending will warrant it. Will you be so kind as to favor me without delay with a Statement of the number of pupils enrolled, also the cost of rent and to whom payable.
Very respectfully, etc.
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
L.R. 35 1868. 

Transcription Notes:
It is good to keep the letter elements together and then add the filing notations