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Little Rock, Ark.
February 12th, 1868
Moore, D.S.
Hot Springs, Ark
Dear Sir:
Your favor of the 9th is this day received. In view of the representations from yourself and Mr. Chapman I have asked the Asst. Com. to appropriate $10.00 per month payable to yourself- for rent of a school building to accommodate Mr. Roberts school the conditions being that the teacher is competent and makes regular reports to this office. You will be notified of the action of the Asst. Commissioner in the premises - I send 6 teacher's report blanks and a School Register.
Very respectfully etc
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
L.R. 54-1868

Little Rock, Ark.
February 13th 1868
Bennett, Bvt. Brig. Gen'l Jno. E.
Act Asst Adjt General
Little Rock, Arkansas
I have the honor to transmit herewith full Report of Schools for the month of January 1868.
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M Colby
Supt of Education
For Arkansas

Little Rock, Ark.
February 13th 1868
Alvord, Rev J W.
Gen'l. Supt of Schools
Washington D.C.
I have the honor to forward herewith Statistical Report of Schools in Arkansas for the month of January 1868
Very respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M Colby
Supt. of Education
For Arkansas

Little Rock, Ark.
Feb'y 22, 1868
Farrar Miss Maggie
Van Buren, Ark.
Your favor of the 16" came duly. It is always gratifying to me to hear from the teachers and it is sometimes profitable to them to write for it enables me to understand fully their wants and the needs of the freed people, and if I can not in my official capacity Supply them I can at least give them Sympathy and commendation.
Partly as a result of your very full and interesting reports to us I design before long sending Mr. Miller to Ft. Smith to remain Some time and to operate both there and at Van Buren and in the adjacent country. We expect to build at Fort Smith and Mr. M. will inquire into the expediency of building at Van Buren also. He will probably leave here by the 10" of March and remain at least four weeks.
Very truly Yours,
Wm M. Colby.
Supt. Ed.
L.R. 51 - 1868

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate photocopy of previous page Few things: you don't have to match the ends of lines in the transcription; rather than hyphens just close the word up; Colby's first name is William - thus Wm; L.R. & L.S.= Letters Received and Letters Sent; finish the letter first than add the filing notation-better flow Jno = John