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Little Rock, Ark. Febr'y 28th, 1868

Stewart, Mrs Mary B

I take pleasure in acknowledging your favors of the 14" & 17" which came this day. Your main enquiries can best be answered by a quotation from Lieut. Willis letter of Dec 16" 1867. After giving names and places where teachers are wanted he adds:At every one of these places "(three)" there will be good facilities for supporting a large and flourishing school. x x  Contracts for labor have been made at each place with the express understanding that the employer is to board and provide a room for the teacher and School house and the employers to pay at least $30.00 per month for [to] teachers. The planters desire a lady teacher at these places as each has a family of his own. I will have the Missionary contract Signed by both parties on my next visit to the plantation."
The above is quite explicit. You will observe particularly the words underscored. It was on the strength of these representations alone that Mr Shipherd consented to send teachers to so distant a point. Only those freedmen who Sign the contract will have a right to send their children - it is for you to say whether you will admit any others.  You might do so if your school is not too large.
There is no objection at this office to your teaching private pupils out of School hours. I would advise however that you do not teach altogether more than six and a half or seven hours a day including two recesses of fifteen minutes each.  You will not be able to do as much in this climate as in Wisconsin.
Most truly Yours
Wm M Colby
Supt Education
LR 56-1868


Little Rock, Ark.
Febry 24th 1868

Willis, Lieut. H.F.
Agent Etc
Rocky Comfort

I have the honor to request that you will at
your earliest convenience have a school contract executed on Maj Andrus and Judge Coulter's place (the one run by Sims) in accordance with the terms given in your communication to this office dated December 16th 1867; that you will forward a copy of the Same to this office.  It was on the Strength of your communication, favorably and strongly endorsed at this office, that teachers were promptly sent forward to so distant a point. Although they have been sent at great expense and trouble I trust they will be furnished with such facilities and meet with such success that the Missionary Association will be encouraged to continue to occupy that part of the State.
Very respectfully yours,
Wm M Colby
Supt Education
L.R. 63-1868

Little Rock, Arkansas
February 24th 1868


Newton Hon I
Mayor of City of Camden Ark

I have the honor to state that it is in contemplation to erect in Camden a School house for the benefit of the colored children of the city; but before proceeding with the enterprise the Assistant Commissioner wishes to be fully assured that such an improvement to your city is desired by the authorities, and that it will receive their moral support.

Transcription Notes:
see notes on previous page