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Little Rock Ark.
April 16th 1868

Lugenbeel, Lt. Col. Pinkney,
Agent B.R. F and A.L.
Fort Smith Ark.

In reply to your communication dated Fort Smith Feb'y 7. 1868, referred to this office, recommending an appropriation of $500.00 to repair a certain church at that place, I have the honor respectfully to state that it has never been the practice in this district to repair churches to any great extent for school purposes and to do so in this case would seem to be in direct contravention of Circular No. 30 dated Washington D.C. Dec. 31. 1867.
Land having been recently secured at Fort Smith for the purpose the erection of a school house will be proceeded with without much delay.
Very resp'y your obedient Servant.
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Education
L.R. 45-1868

Little Rock Ark.
April 16th 1868

Williams, Bt. Lieut Col. Thos. C.
Agent Bureau R.F. and A.L. 
Madison Ark.

In reply to your communication of March 18, 1868. I have the honor most respectfully to state that there is authority for furnishing school buildings and transportations for teachers only at government expense, and that "teachers and means of instruction" are furnished by private benevolent associations or by the freedmen themselves, as will be seen by reference to Sec. 13 of the act to amend and continue in force the Freedmen's Bureau. The terms upon which the Aid Societies can send teachers are given in Par.2 Circular 21.


O.A.C. 1867. So great has been the demand from the entire South upon the charity of the North that these are the best terms that could be made with these Societies. I advise the use of the reading books most in use in the State - McGuffy's - if the freedmen are able to buy them, but if they are not the Am. Tract Society, Boston, will furnish for a nominal price if not gratuitously a series - Nos. 1. 2 & 3 - prepared epecially for their use. If these latter are desired they may be ordered through Rev. E K. Miller. Agent Am. Miss Association, Little Rock, or myself.
I am Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby.
Supt. Education
L.R. 84-1868

Little Rock Ark.
April 17th 1868

Bennett. Lieut. Jno. E.
A A. A. General B.R. F and A.L.
Little Rock Ark.

I have the honor to enclose herewith the report of the Helena Union School for March which is without signature and otherwise incomplete, and would respectfully ask that the Agent at Helena be requested to see that school reports passing through his hands are correctly filled out before being forwarded to this office to the end unnecessary and vexatious delays may be avoided.
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
L.R. 112 - 1868