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Little Rock, Ark
May 27th, 1868
Scovill, James A
Camden, Ark
Dear Sir
Your favor of the 21st inst giving information in relation to schools in Camden other than your own is received and is entirely satisfactory.  As the two schools taught by the colored teachers were reported on the Agent's blank for April and omitted from note of your report for same month there was a discrepancy which I could not account for. It appears the Agent was in error in reporting these schools for April.
As to future reports it matters but little to me which of the methods suggested be adopted, but I think perhaps it would be better for yourself to consider these colored teachers
your assistants and report the whole as one
School. By keeping it all in your own hands
you will delay if not entirely prevent the 
establishment of opposition Schools, to which, 
I think, any other course would sooner or
later lead, greatly to the injury of the work.
I am with much respect.
Yours very truly
Wm M. Colby
Supt of Education
L.R. 163-1868
E 32.1868
L.S. 79-1868


Little Rock, Arkansas
May 29th, 1868
Bennett, Lieut. Jno. E
A.A.A. General
B.R.F and A.L.
Little Rock, Ark.
In compliance with request contained in yours
of the 25th inst. I have the honor to state that lots 1, 2, and 3, block 177 on which the freedmen's School house in this place is built were negotiated for by Mr E.M Butler as Agent for the Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends for the sum of nine hundred dollars, and a warranty deed to the same was executed by one Halliburton to Charles J Coffin, Isaac P. Evans, and Richard Pedrick, trustees for Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends.  The responsibility of giving a warranty deed to encumbered realty seems to rest entirely with Halliburton, and there now seems a probability that he will adjust the matter satisfactorily.  If however, the parties entrusted fail to satisfy the mortgage and there should appear no other way to secure the land, and have the building erected on it at the expense of the government, I would recommend an appropriation from the "Refugee and Freedmen's Fund", in the hands of the Commissioners for the purpose. 
I am Sir
Very respectfully 
Your Obedient Servant
Wm M Colby
Supt of Education
L.R. 164-1868

Transcription Notes:
L.R. and L.S. = Letters Received and Letters Sent