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Little Rock, Ark
June 2, 1868
Clark Mrs Alida
Helena, Ark
Esteemed Friend:
I am greatly indebted to you for your interesting letter dated 28" of 5" M 1868, but am somewhat surprised to learn that you are waiting my action in the matter of the school
house as a I have for some time been waiting the action of your Ex Com in the matter of ground title.  A site is an indispensable condition in granting funds in building school house. As I explained in conversation with Mr Clark and as stated in Circular 21, 1867.  It is not enough for the Ex Com to say we will do
so and so, they must actually do it. before I as government agent can act.
An official copy of deed to one acre of land or more located near the point fixed upon by Mr Clark, or elsewhere as eligible will be followed by prompt action on my part. Formerly the above condition was optional with myself, but time having proven the wisdom of it it is now made, by these above me obligatory.
Resp'y and truly yours
Wm M Colby
Supt of Education


Little Rock, Ark
June 8th, 1868
Bennet Lieut. Jno. E
Act'g Ass't Adjt Gen
Little Rock, Ark
I have the honor to enclose herewith duplicate list of teachers on duty in Arkansas and entitled to purchase subsistence stores of the commissary department of the Army.
I am Sir
Very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm M Colby
Supt of Education

Little Rock, Ark
June 15th 1868
Bennett Lieut Jno E
A.A.A. General
Little Rock, Ark
I have the honor to request an order authorizing Rev E.K. Miller Ass't Supt. of Education to visit Batesville in the interest of Schools.
I am very respectfully
Your obedient Servant
Wm M Colby
Supt Of Education

Little Rock, Ark
June 15, 1868
Bennett, Lieut Jno E
Act'g Ass't Adjt Gen'l
Little Rock, Ark
I have the honor most respectfully to