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Little Rock Ark.
July 27. 1868.
Mason Simpson,
Franklin, Ark.
Your favors of July 22, asking aid in building school houses in Union and Franklin Townships, Fulton Co. are just at hand. Former applications of same purport were rec'd at this office from Bureau Hd. Qrs. July 3rd; favorably endorsed for $400.00 and $450.00 respectively and returned to the Ass't Com. July 6th. In your present com. you say nothing of any former application, hence I infer that the papers have never been returned or at least have never reached you.
It is necessary to furnish certified copies of deeds.
Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby.
Supt. of Education.

Little Rock Ark.
July 27th 1868.
Alvord Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt of Schools.
Washington, D.C.,
Dear Sir,
The copies of the "Manual on School Houses and Cottages for the people of the South" have been distributed where it seemed probable they would do most good. I could make good use of 20 or 25 copies more.
I would be pleased also to receive several copies of your forthcoming semi-annual Report.
Respectfully and truly yours,
Wm. M. Colby
Superintendent of Education.


Little Rock. Ark.
Aug. 1. 1868.
Bass Thomas
Hot Springs, Ark.
Dear Sir,
Since I wrote you on the 23rd ult. the Ass't Com. has notified me that in view of the action of Congress closing the Bureau in the reconstructed states he will authorize no further appropriation for School houses.
I regret that we could not first have secured a house at Hot Springs.
Very resp'y yours,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. of Education

Little Rock, Ark.
Aug. 1st 1868.
Mills Lieut. S.M., A.A.A. Gen'l,
Little Rock, Ark.
Sir, I have the honor to forward herewith in compliance with request of the Ass't Commissioner, Special Report on location, cost, and capacity of School Houses and Ownership of School houses and sites in Arkansas July 31, 1868. Also a Statement from Henry Page, Disbursing Officer, Showing in detail the present state of the school fund.
Very respectfully,
Your Obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education.