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Very respectfully,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. of Education.

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 5th 1868.
Moore, Miss J.P
Belvidere, Ill.
I have been requested by the Prin. of the Deaf & Dumb Institute just established here by the state, and open to colored children to find him a matron. The numbers are few now but might increase during the year to say 30. Pay not less than 30.00 a month and board.
If your health will admit of it and you are willing to accept the position please write by return mail and state the time when you could come. You would be entitled to Gov't transportation, and if there should be time before you are ready to depart Mr. Shipherd could get it for you. If you can come at once telegraph me at my expense.
I think the place a good and quite permanent one - one that will suit you and that you will suit.
Very truly yours,
Wm. M. Colby
Supt, etc.

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 5. 1868.
Dickinson Joseph.
Richmond, Ind.
By advice of the state school officer the school here opened to day as a free school should there be any failure in getting funds due from the state for a three months' school this department will undertake to


pay a sum fully equal to the amoount that would have been collected from the freedmen - say one hundred dollars a month
Hoping this will meet the approbation of your committee and people,
I. Am, Respy yours, 
Wm. M. Colby

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 6th 1868.-
Hayman Hon. H.C.
Van Buren, Ark.
Plan and specifications for the Van Buren School house are in the hands of Col. Lugenbeel at Ft Smith and bids will be received up to the 17th inst by Henry Page Disbursing Officer Little Rock. See adv't in "New Era".
Wm. M. Colby, Supt, etc.

Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 6th 1868.-
Bardwell Rev. J.P.
Agent Am. Miss. Asscn.
Vicksburg, Miss.
Dear Sir:
Yours of the 18th ult. with enclosure was received some days ago. Absence from the city for some time since has prevented an earlier response. We have new buildings at Helena, Pine Bluff, Camden, Washington, Lewisville, Arkadelphia, Batesville, and Fort Smith open to A.M.A. teachers. The four first named will require two teachers each from the first opening of the school, the others but one. The Association has proffered us