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meanwhile prepare the people to give the teacher a hearty support when he comes and be ready to send their children regularly.
Very resp'y,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn.-

Little Rock Ark. Nov. 24. 1868.
Bardwell Rev. J.P.
Agent A.M.A.
Vicksburg, Miss.
In reply to your request for information as to the plan for distributing Bureau funds to teachers, and how the money allowed teachers of the A.M.A. can be made available to them, I have the honor to say that ater carrying out the instructions from Gen'l Howard to employ teachers, and waiting for orders in regard to the payment of their salary and expenses, a direct application was made to Gen'l Howard for instructions on that point. We received in reply a copy of a letter to Rev. Geo. Whipple authorizing ten dollars a month, in the way of rent, to each teacher commissioned by his Society.
We shall be glad to receive any suggestions which your large experience qualifies you to make, and still more gratified if you can make them in person at an early day.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn.-


Little Rock Ark. Nov. 24. 1868.
Shipherd Rev. Jacob. R.
Chicago Ill.
Dear Sir:
Will you have the kindness to Commission (without pay) [[strikethrough]] Mr. S.F. Witter [[/strikethrough]] and supply with half fare tickets from Memphis to Little Rock, Mr. S.F. Witter and Miss Jennie E. Burgstresser, Republic Seneca Co. Ohio. These persons received transportation to South Arkansas on my recommendation and expect to engage in teaching freedmen
Very truly,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn.-

Little Rock, Ark.
Nov. 24, 1868.
Witter S.F.
Republic. O.
Yours of the 17" is at hand. I have requested Rev. J.R. Shipherd to send you half fare tickets from Memphis to Little Rock.
You should retain your unused transportation orders and on arriving here stop at the "Anthony House"- the hotel named in my last has recently changed proprietors & is not now conducted by our friends.
Were you here to day I would send you to Camden - a very fine point indeed. A new school house is just built there and the freedmen are clamorous for schools.
Very resp'y,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Edn.-