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# 10.
Little Rock Ark.
January 25th 1869.

Henderson Hon E E
[[Civ?]] Supt. of Schools.
Fayetteville, Ark.

Dear Sir:
I take the liberty to respectfully request that you will transmit a certificate to Mr. James O. Lyman. our teacher at FS Smith to date as far back as Jan. 1 at least and to Dec. 1st if feasible. Mr Lyman informed me that he was not informed of the examination at Greenwood in time to attend. He needs the certificate to enable him to contract with the [[??]]. As he has received no support thus far he is not possible for him to travel far to obtain a certificate for want of funds. A 3rd Grade Certificate would doubtless answer his purpose for the present but I assure you he is a first class teacher. 

Very Respectfully,
Wm M. Colby
Ass't Sup't of Schools.

# 11. 
Little Rock, Ark.
January 26th 1869.

Sabin O.C.
Asst Fr. A.M.A.
Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir:
In reply to your favor of the 18th inst. I respectfully enclose a report on the School houses and sites in Arkansas, being substantially the same as was submitted to General Smith in December last. I would remark that sites at Pine Bluff 


and Fort Smith were deeded to the A.M.A. and the little deeds retained by their State Agent; while copies of deeds to land held by the freedmen were forwarded to this office and have been transmitted to Washington with the recommendation that the buildings be carried over to the school district trustee for public school purposes. I should be more than pleased if all the buildings could base into the board of the A.M.A. 

Very respectfully,
Wm M. Colby,
Ass't Sup't of Schools


Little Rock, Ark. 
January 26th 1869.

Menghes Thomas C.,
Camden, Ark.
Dear Sir: 
I would say in reply to yours of the 21st inst that while five weeks are thirty-five days, four weeks are only 28 days or less than a calendar month. If 4 weeks are less than a calendar month then it becomes necessary to add either another entire week or fractional part of a week. In our register the former has been alone. If the calendar month does not fill the entire page no harm is done; but if a page did not contain a calendar month, (and four weeks is not a calendar month) there would then be trouble.  
Wm M. Colby,
Ass't Sup't of Schools.