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#39. Little Rock Ark. April 7th 1869
Langstroth [?] miss [?] Philadelphia, PA
Dear Madam: I should in this have acknowledged the receipts of the two boxes of books which came through your agency came two months ago for the benefits of the [?]. I have just one of the boxes into the hands of Ms. Benford who has change of the friends work here. The other I retained myself and disposing of contents as I have opportunities the business, cards, facts, and testaments are fair. Most use for and have lent some by [?] to different parts of the state.
You will please accept our thanks for your interest and efforts and present the come to your church and others for their donations.
we are just opening a sabbath school in the eastern part of the city- also in Huntersville on the opposite side of the river. The colored peoples now have free public public schools in this city on a par with the white schools.
Very truly yours, [?] asst.supt. of schools

#40. Little Rock Ark. April 13th 1869
[?] revert May: [?] 6.16.
Assistant commissioner and chief supt. of schools 
American Refugee freedmen and abandoned lands, Little Rock Ark.-
General: I have the honor respectfully to request an order authorizing me to visit Jefferson County in the interest of schools. By conferring in person with the school officers at [?] [?] I hope to receive the patronage of the state for the freedmen's school there.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant, [?] asst.supt. of schools
#41. Little Rock Ark. April 14th 1869
Bardwell Rev. Jr. Vicksburg, Miss
Dear Sir: Yours of the 8th is at hand. Rent will be allowed for St. Smith and [?] buildings (at rates named in my last) to date from the 1st of April. Vouchers for the purpose will be forwarded by the distribution office before the close of each month.
I shall assist [?] Bluff in a few days and hope to accomplish something in the