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Little Rock, Ark.
May 3rd 1869.-

Getman Miss W.F.
Pine Bluff, Ark.

Dear Madam:-

I herewith enclose you a second grade certificate dating from 1st April. Also one for Miss P.A. Holmes of Same date and grade. You will observe that these are good anywhere in the State for 12 months, while Mr. Tallman's certificates would be good only in his district. This much, at least, you have gained by the neglect of others.

Dr. Smith is our friend and the friend of the colored people; having two State Superintendents to sustain you you are [[?]] cafe!

Having Subscribed the oath an received certificates you need no other credentials of any Kind to enable you to contract with the Directors of Pine Bluff from the 1st of April.

Please advise me of the actions taken and of any unforeseen obstacles, if such should arise.

Very truly,

Wm M. Colby,
Supt Education.


Little Rock, Ark.
May 4, 1869.

Bardwell Rev. J.P.
Vicksburg, Miss.

Dear Sir:

I have recently visited Pine Bluff, an after considerable [[Kimmishing]] succeeded


in getting the pledge of individual members of the Board - no [[quorum]] being in the city - that they would pay to Miss [[Getman]] and Holmes $50.00 a month each from April 1, to June inclusive. This is the best I could do. I judge that Rev. T-- the active member of the Board would be glad to force the A.M.A. to make over the school property to the town at once. In my judgment such action would be very unwise till after the present temper of the school Board and the public sentiment has changed, as the freedmen would under their management derive little benefit from the building.

The teachers are not very pleasantly situated there, but are doing a grand, good work.

Very Respectfully,
Wm M. Colby,
Supt. Ed.


Little Rock, Ark.
May 4, 1869.-

[[Phittlesey]] E.  A. A. General,
Washington, D.C.


I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 1st inst. telegram stating that I had been assigned Superintendent of Education for Arkansas. In compliance with request therein contained I respectfully recommend that M.J. G.Colby be continued as clerk in this office at Seventy-five dollars per month.

I have the honor to be,
Very Respectfully,

Transcription Notes:
I don't know how to underline text.