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office rent for the month of May, 1869,
                   Very respectfully,
                   Your obedient Servant,
                   Wm M. Colby,
                   Supt. of Education.


                     Little Rock, Ark.
                     May 15, 1869.

Balloch Gen. Geo W.
Chief Dist. Officer B.R.F. & A.L.,
Washington D.C.

    I have the honor to enclose herewith "List of Persons & Articles Employed and hired" for the month of May 1869.
                  Very respectfully,
                  Your obedient Servant,
                  Wm M. Colby, 
                  Supt. of Education


                       Little Rock, Ark.,
                       May 31, 1869.

Whittlesey E.
A.A.A. Genl, B.R.F.& A.L.,
Washington D.C. - 

     I have the honor to request a supply, (50 copies) of Educational Form No. 5.
          Very respy. Your ob'dt Serv't,
          Wm M. Colby,
          Supt. Edu



                     Little Rock, Ark.,
                     June 4th 1869. -

Howard C. H.
Sec'y A.M.A.
Chicago Ill.

Dear Sir:
     I regret being obliged to request a duplicate of your note stating that Rev. J.P. Bardwell is Agent of AMA for Ark. and authorized to receipt for moneys, etc, the original having been unaccountably lost after coming to hand.

                      Very respectfully,
                      Wm M. Colby,
                      Supt.of Edn.


                      Little Rock, Ark.,
                      June 5th, 1869.

Williams T.P.
Ozark, Ark.

Dear Sir:
     Yours of the 28[[net.?]]is received. I desire the following information concerning you school, etc. :-
1. Where is the school located; 2. Who is the teacher & what is his or her qualifications?- 3. ownership & condition of the building ?- 4. What is the average attendance?- 5. How large is the district, and what is the scholastic (colored) population?- 6. Is there a sabbath school?- 7. How long has your school been in operation?- 8. Please have the enclosed report filled and returned with your answer.
Respectfully, Wm M. Colby Supt. Ed.