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#103. Little Rock, Ark.
July 14, 1869.-
Wygant M. [[He]].
Supt. [[?]].
[[Helena]], Ark.
Yours of this 12th is just received. For the present I want something near the facts indicated by the within form, which facts you may be able to give at once. If you will do so over your signature I will forward vouchers to yourself, or as you may direct. You will understand what I do not Expect absolute accurracy in first report. Glad to hear from you but have no time to [[?]]. May success attend you.
Very resp'y,
Wm M. Colby,
Supt. Education.
#104 Little Rock, Ark.
July 15, 1869.
Conch Miss T..A.
New Hartford, Ct.
In reply to yours of the 9th inst.- the Am. Miss. Association, C.[[?]]. [[?]] Dist. Secretary, 38 Lombard Block Chicago, supplies most of our teachers, and their school year is the same as that of your society to wit, from Oct. 1 to June 30. We have 11 Gov't buildings requiring [[1l]] teachers to be supplied next year certainly, and we 
hope to have work for as many more. Often the close of the school year there is a call for teachers for the public free schools, white and colored,
Would like to have your service in Ark, but am unable to offer any special inducements, except the above, as the state is new and sparsely settled.
Please accept our joint regard.
Wm M. Colby
Supt. Education
#105. Little Rock, Ark.
July 16, 1869.
[[Alword]] Rev. J.W.
Gen'l Supt. Schools, Washington D.C.
I have the honor to enclose Semi-Annual report of schools (statistical) for six months Ending July 1. 1869. Also report called for in Circular Letter of June 3rd 1869.
As the matter of my annual report relates to the six months ending July 1, 1869, unless otherwise specially stated I deem it unnecessary to re-write a narrative Semi-Annual.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient Servant,
Wm M. Colby
Suppt. Ed.

Transcription Notes:
I don't know how to underline text.