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#154 Little Rock Ark
Sep. 20" 1869.
Howard C.H. 
Sec'y AMA
#38 Lombard Block Chicago, Ill.

Dear Sir,
It will be safe to send Mrs. Stuart to Washington alone now and let the matter of an assistant wait till further information is obtained.
For Van Buren one gentleman teacher is wanted. Fayettville needs one lady certain and I think two would find employment.
Batesville, one lady. Lewisville one gentleman Arkadelphia, two ladies. Would be glad to have Miss Holmes returned - Miss Getman has made other arrangements.
Camden must wait till I visit the place Pine Bluff one gentleman - a strong one and one lady if you do not sell the building, but hope you may do so. Helena is provided for for the present. I shall visit the place in a month or so. Have teachers passing through L. Rock come to my house - we will provide for them if possible.
I have an order in favor of Mrs. Stewart for #90.00 - Three month's service - but it is endorsed "not paid for want of funds" If in the city when Mrs. S. worries I will try to go to Washington with her. She should come at once.
The Ark. River is very low and boats are all behind time. There are now two other routes from Mississippi to wit:


a triweekly time of boats by White River and M & L. RRR; and daily by M. & L RRR and Stage. Fare $15.00 on each route.
Occasionally one of the boats on which you have half fare runs up White River to De Vall's Bluff. Fare from De Vall's Bluff - RR 47 miles - $5.00; Crossing Ark. River by Ferry at Little Rock in omnibus $1.00 = $6.00

Very respectfully,
Wm M. Colby 
Supt Edn

#155 Little Rock Ark
Sept 21st 1869.

Casey D.C.
Cir. Supt. 8th Dist.
Arkadelphia Ark.
Dear Sir,
I enclosed a communication from Hon. Joseph Welch Supt. Education State of Texas, asking information concerning a certain divorce case the records of which are said to be at Arkadelphia. It will be a favor to me if you will in person or by attorney look up the matter and send bill of expense to me.

Very respectfully,
Your obt Servant
Wm M. Colby
Supt Edn