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L. Rock Ark.
Sept 25, 1869.

Geyer John C.
Lewisburg, Ark.
Dear Sir:
I enclose rent vouchers for you to sign for the month of September ; also a teacher's report for the teacher to fill and sign for September. Please mail them by the 30th of the month.

Wm M Colby,                           
Supt. Education.

#170  L. Rock Ark Sep. 25, 1869.
Nygant How M.H.
Cir. Supt. 1st Dist.
Helena Ark.
Dear Sir:
Please stir up your Phillips county folks to send their September School reports at once.
Vouchers for September will be made out and sent from this office for signature.
How do your city schools show? 

Yours truly,
Wm. M. Colby,
Supt. Education.
#171 L.Rock Ark.
September 27th 1869. 
Wygant M.H.
Cir. Supt. 1st Dist.
Helena Ark.
Dear Sir:
I send you to-day per Ltr Thos. H. Allen,
30 School Registers and
20 manual on Sch Houses freight paid which I hope will reach you safely.
I have sent teachers blanks (2 each, to all parties named in my list sent you on the 21st inst.
Very Resp'y
Wm. M Colby
Supt. Edn

#172 L. Rock Ark. Sep. 28 1869.
Bobo Albert
Helena Ark.
Herewith I enclose P.O. order in your favor for $15.00 to pay rent of school house for month of July 1869.

Mr. M Colby                      
Supt of Education