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of the A M A. & that most cheerfully; but I think it might be for your interest to forward the account direct as they are aware the house belongs to you. I suggest the account be forwarded near the close of December at $35.00 a month, being the same paid by us.
In the case of Miss Cummings I respectfully suggest that she be instructed to remain at Batesville. The matter of supplanting A.M.A. teachers has gone far enough. We may as well make a stand there if we do not expect to be driven from the field. However, I shall carry out your wishes when explicitly made known. I have again written Miss Cummings to occupy the school building, and that any parties who are occupying the same are doing so on their own responsibility. Have also written the Circuit Superintendent. What adds to the annoyance in this case is the fact that the teacher they have emplyed is wholly incompetent, and was dropped by the N.W. Fr. Aid Com. some years ago. We had better continue Miss C. there without local support than to continue the present school.
I would say here that I early foresaw these difficulties and provided against them by securing an enactment of the State Board of Education which enactment is law. Hence we are not arraying ourselves against the State authorities in this matter but are in harmony with them, and the State Supt. of Pub. Instruction will soon issue a Circular on this subject, a copy of which will be sent you.
I merely throw in this explanation here 


in justice to myself  I can not see that I have done those things that I ought not to have done or have left undone those things that I ought to have done in this matter.
I shall probably go up to Batesville as soon as I can be armed with Supt. Smith's Circular as I deem it better to operate through that office when practicable.
I hear nothing from E.E. Henderson.
Very Respectfully
Wm. M. Colby
Supt. Edn

L. Rock. Ark. Nov. 10, 1869.
Gillam W.H.
Supt. 3rd Dist., Batesville, Ark.
Dear Sir:-
Your favor of Nov. 1st has been received and contents noted with some purpose. It would seem to be a breach of faith on our part if after a teacher has been sent to a particular field we fail to secure the promised accommodations. Miss Cummings was selected with Special reference to that point and we think it best that she should occupy our building there. Hoping there will be no serious impediment in the way I am,
very Respectfully Yours,
Wm. M Colby
Supt Education
P.S. We will certainly pay rent for school building at Pocahontas.