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Feb'y 16th 70

Hon W.H. Gray
Helena, Ark.  Sir,

Yours of the 14th is rec'd. I am confident the enclosed bill would be returned if forwarded, as I have positive instructions to have all such vouchers itemized, as set forth in my letter of the 31st ult.  To save delay and disappointment I respectfully return the bill and request that a bill of items such as a merchant would make for a customer be made up and forwarded.  I have written Gen'l C.H. Howard that the Sch.Bd. will furnish a teacher, as stated by you.
I trust they will not fail this time to have a good school.  The school house will be placed in their charge the remainder of the school year, if they so request, provided they will pay for the repairs just made.
Very respectfully, 
Wm M. Colby
Supt Ed