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blank, and forwarded without delay. It is well to notify this office before your supply of blanks is exhausted.
Wm M Colby
Supt. Education
Office Supt. Education
Little Rock, Ark.
Oct. 9th 1867

Wright J.W.
Stated that at least ten schools can be established for freedmen in the Creek and Cherokee Nations. Gives names of parties there who will aid in the work. Suggests that the teachers sent out be Protestant young ladies of good looks and good sense who will finally join the army as the wives of officers.
(Signed) J.W. Wright
Washington D.C.
February 13" 1867.

File 45_S.S. 136-1867
Howard, O.O.
Maj. Genl. Commissioner.
Respectfully referred to Rev. J.R. Shipherd.
I think it would be well to send two or three good teachers to Fort Gibson and establish a school as suggested within. Judge Wright, the writer of the letter, is a friend of the Indians and the Negroes, and a very good man. Send them if you can and let me know.
(Signed) O.O. Howard
Maj. Genl. Commissioner.
Washington, D.C.
February 14th. 1867.

Shipherd, J.R. File 45, S.S. 136-1867
Rev. E.K. Meiller: We send you copy of letter from Judge Wright to Genl. O.O. Howard and the endorsement with which it was forwarded.
Consult Colby and Ord and if a good man can be found, ask Ord to appoint him special agent


to go up and explore the region and see what can be done. His report must show a careful exploration, and should recommend the most favorable points for beginning operations and should specify just what can be done and just what it will cost.
(Signed) J.R. Shipherd
Secretary. A.M.A.
Chicago, Ill.
February 18th, 1867.
File 45. S.S. 136-1867.

Colby, W.M.
Supt. Education.
1st Lieut. John Tyler
A A A General
Little Rock, Ark.

I have the honor to enclose herewith for consideration of the Asst. Com. (with request that the same be returned to this office if consistent) copy of letter of Judge Wright to Maj. Genl. O.O. Howard, Commissioner: Gen'l Howard's endorsement thereon to Rev. J.R. Shipherd, Sec. A.M. Association, and endorsement thereon by the latter to Rev. E.K. Meiller, Asst. Supt. of Schools.
It is respectfully suggested that there is sufficient force in the office to explore the region without the aid of a Special Agent. An order to inspect westward will be asked for next week.
Very Respectfully &c
Wm M. Colby
Gen'l. Supt. of Schools Ark.
Little Rock Ark.
March 7th 1867
File 45, S.S. 136-1867

Ord, E.O.C
Bvt. Maj. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner:
Respectfully referred to the Commanding Officer Post of Fort Gibson for information and endorsement in regard to the part of the letter referring to his Post.
(Signed) E.O.C. Ord
Bvt. Brig. Genl. U.S.A.
Asst. Commissioner

B.R. and A.L. for
Ark. and Ind. Ter.
Little Rock Ark Mar. 9" 1867.