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as a matter of policy to say nothing of the benevolence of it. &c 

(Signed) James K. Jones
Washington, Ark.
Oct. 12th 1867.
C.E. Letter 88 1867. L.S. 267. 1867.

Colby, W. M.
Supt. of Education

Respectfully forwarded to Rev. J. R. Shipherd. Sec'y. A.M.A. for his consideration and endorsement hereon, with request that this paper be returned to this office at his convenience.

Wm M. Colby
Supt. of Education
Office Supt. Education
For Arkansas
Little Rock Ark.
October 23rd 1867 
C.E. Letter 88-67 L.S. 267-1867.

Brian, Capt. Wm.

Reports that a suitable building for a school house can be procured at Jacksonport at a monthly rent of $16.00.

(Signed) Wm Brian
Capt. 2nd Batl. V.R.C.
Agent Bureau R.F & A L.
Office Agent B.R.F &A.L.  
Jacksonport Ark.          
October 23rd 1867.

Bennett, Jno. E.
A.A.A. General.

Respectfully referred to Wm M. Colby, Supt. of Education, for information as to whether a teacher can be furnished for the school at Jacksonport in case the building is rented.


By command of
Brevet Brig. Gen'l. C.H. Smith
Assistant Commissioner
Jno. E Bennett.
A.A.A. General.
Bureau R.F. & A.L.     
For Arkansas         
Little Rock Ark.     
October 28th 1867.

Colby, William M.
Supt. of Education

Respectfully returned to Brevet. Brig. Gen'l. Jno. E. Bennett A.A.A. General with the information that a school has been in operation at Jacksonport for some time, but as yet no funds have been expended by the Bureau at that point for rental or repair of school buildings.

Wm M. Colby
Supt. of Education
Office Supt. Education      
Little Rock Ark.           
October 30th 1867.

Coates, Albert

Reports several openings for schools in his district, one on the Jordan place and one on the Jones' place. the colored people are very desirous to have schools. States that J.R. Haywood, was Gate Keeper at the State Penitentiary, would be willing to take charge of a school, and he is competent.

Albert Coates
Agent, &c.
Office Bu. R.F. and A.L.  
South Bend, Ark.          
October 24th 1867.
L.S. 252-File 242 1867.

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