Viewing page 16 of 271

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Settlement Continued
at Rutha. S. Harstons Old Town plantation

Names| Names | Names |
| / Rome Harston | Fewell Harston x | Sam x Harston |
| / Nancy Harston | B Mary Harston | Hardin Harston |
| / Martha Harson | Feb Harson | O Tip Harson x |
| / Agnes | Mary x | Sam H. x |
| / Hannah | Sally H. x | Phillip |
| / Burrel | George x | Peter x |
| / Beverly | Rial x | Fanny x |
| / Manda| Vallen x | [[?]] Trip|
| Bully | Sam x | Ailas x |
| Rachel x | Harry | Doris |
| [[?]]Ishaim| x[[?]]Leanne| Nat x |
| Thornton x | Sally [[?]] x | Margaret |
| Adam | Isabel | Pompey x |
| Green x | Lewis x [[?]] | Nick |
| John | Lize | Lotty |
| Booker x | Vina x | Sam x |
| Nancy (Tate) x | Minta x | Sally |
| Sam x | Tom (Larkin) x | Ruth x |
| Henry x | Joe x | Tom Baker x |
| Elly x | Clary x | Polly |
| old Aggy x | [[?]] Nink x | Paton x |
| Fanny x | Allen x | [[?]]Eane x |
| Gim [[?]] | Ned x | 145 |
| x | x w|orker 28  28|
| x | 68 | 47 |
| x | x | x |

[[right page]]
Settlement Continued 
at Rutha. S. Harston Shoebuckle plantation
[[3 Columned Table]]
| names | names | names |
|[[?]] Lip Harston | [[?]] Harston | William Harston|
| Val x | Dillard |[[?]]Thena|
| Sofa | Pap x |Delilah x|
| Mima | Chris |Isabel x|
| Travis x | [[?]] Isham x|Abram x|
| Ellen x |Silas| [[?]] Minta x|
| [[?]] Ephraim |old Abram |Peter|
| Charles |Sam x |Sofa Bands[[?]] x|
| Sandy x |Henderson x |[[?]] Eady x|
| [[?]]Nimah x |B. Theuy[[?]] |Sanith|
|---|---|15 30-14

Settlement Continued Paid
at Rutha S. Harstons Southern Place Plantation
[[3 Columned Table]]
|[[?]]Garland Harston|Mary Harston|Meredith Harston|
|Mickey x|James x| Elvira x|
|Charles x|[[?]]Duinlih x|Charlotte x|
|Sephus| [[?]] Misoura | Dave x |
|Pink x|Spencer x|Christina x|
|Mandy x|[[?]] Thos (old) x]|Marshall x|
|[[?]]Epraim|Alfred x|Manuel x|
|Rose|Susan x|Lucy x|
|---|---| 5 24|

Settlement Continued Paid
at Rutha S. Harston Browns Place plantation
[[3 Columned Table]]
|Bill Harston|Tyler Harston x|Burrel Harston|
|Patsey|Martha x|[[?]]Creasa|
|Ailas x|Ransom x|Nancy|
|Winney|[[?]]Hount x|Wesley|
|Shep x|Luey x|Eliza 8x|
|Martin x left soon after the surrender and was cut out of any part by order of Capt Morgan|| 15

Transcription Notes:
The first letter of 'Jim' in the first column looks like the 'G' in 'Green,' but I am not sure if Gim is correct Should all of the x's at the bottom of the left page be transcribed? I do not know how to write the '15' in the last and rightmost line of the right page left page 3rd column - 'Lip' above 'Sam H.' under 'Lotty' looks like 'Jane' instead of 'Sam' right page 1st column -'Ephraim' instead of Ephaim, 'dinah'(?) under Sandy second column - 'old' next to Abram last column - Creasa under Burrel Harston I can see dittos so shouldn't all the names be followed by Harston (It was common for all to be given the surname of the plantation owner)