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Stoughton March 5th 1939

Dear Folks
To day its lowery after a pouring rain all night that continued through the night & when it clears it will as usual be colder, our grass is beginning to show green & we have the little woodpecker come after sunset every day mot other birds eat it. 
Alice stayed two nights & went away Thursday afternoon; she wanted to stay over night but no body urged her, so she reluctantly went after three o'clock. She is no company, she sits with folded arms & doesn't read or do anything. She is fond of eating, so she might just as well be with Matty, if she needs her; but she has better eating here. if she had gone over there after she had spent the night here, we should have been better pleased. "Grey" the foolish boy, died & his funeral was Friday, so Matty must have been alone when he passed away. too bad for she is no one to be alone in such cases & Alice if she had been there might have given her courage if nothing more. so far as work is concerned she is no where, as we all