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my sewing still occupies my time. the days I am here alone it gives me something to take up my time & I felt thankful for it. 
I was brought up to sew, Celia always worked she was a good crotcheyer & did thing fancy, kept mothers under cloths well made & trims & when she died my mother must have missed her, as she was a mothers child I wish little Doris had some one to teach her to do such things. it will come in handy in after life. especially if she has a family of children. you have to keep a needle in your hand most of the time & it is well to know how to do things then. a few lessons in sewing would be more essential than to run loose & pester the neighbors to buy foolish things that no body wants, or has any use for. I was started early to do things that afterwards come in very handy. we took in factory work & I always did my part & liked it. my crotcheying was what I earned money in after life doing. my sister was one who always did those things & so of course I thought that was the thing to do & if you begin early its a good thing for any child. Addie Ballentine makes all of her sisters clothes, even her coats & hats, she being a hunch back, she is full of ingenuity. Gertrude earnes good money at her job & has a bonus every so often. but they use it for other things they are thrifty. Ma