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[[top margin]] My bulb is in bloom it smells very sweet only one was good, the other one did not send out roots. Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton February 5th 1939

Dear Folks

We are having two very mild & sunny days but the walking is very slippery, the snow is still with us & the rain has made it very slippery going. thats the worst of the snow. 
The house accross the road is frozen up & the family who were living down stairs, their names are Patterson & she is to have a baby soon, they were so cold the day it flew a gale that they left their tenement to freeze up & went out to her mothers she lives in Melrose & there they are staying & so the poor attic people cant get any water & so they are coming over here for it she has a little baby a few month old & is a mere child, she is smart & we like her. they are Italians he has a good job & belong to a good class & pays his rent. they will get out of there as soon as possible & guess the others will do the same. McKay is certainly having it hard, but why dont he come & do something for these poor attic people? I never took to those Darlings they were cheap. but these people mean to pay their bills if they are used right. such a place as a general thing does not bring a good class into the neighborhood. as the stand pipe is going to be rebuilt no one will care to live beside it. I