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Stoughton Feb 1st 1989

Dear Folks

This is a beautiful morning after our snow storm of yesterday & a little dash more during the night January went out by heaping the snow on N England we had two little boys come with shovels to do our paths & I told her to tell them if they would shoevel them for .25 they might go at it so they did & they did a good job & it was the only one shoveled out in the neighborhood & so when the Post man came with the mail. he had it to walk up on which we were very much pleased & guess he was also.
This morning the men are all here at work on the standpipe hill after shovelling away the snow. they are building a face wall at the foot of the hill & proably will make a concrete side walk & they seem to be filling in the hill beyond it.
I am sorry they are going to erect another standpipe. for we were in hopes this was to be the end of it. but Mary McGarvey says no they are to put another one but a little father ((further)) back. so there you are.