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I put the address on that letter you wrote to Lena & sent it along yesterday afternoon. he came twice yesterday in spite of the bad going. they rung in no school for the day so the boys had fun coasting. children are always pleased with the snow I suppose it was the same when we were children but not now. its so late now snow will go quickly & that will be good we may have another, but it will be one less every tie.
Lottie Crane said yesterday that Mrs Welch had been down to Washington & had come home with a severe cold. hope she gets over it. Isabel Perrin took one when she went home to Phillips after staying at Alice Tildens & died. her body is being brought here to be buried in the family lot & the funeral should also be here but its down in Hartford Conecticut where the son lives. funny she was born & brought up here & all her friends & cousins are in Stoughton & she hated to go there to live. so used to stay at Alices most of the time. she told how she hated to go down to her sons to live but felt that she should, they had been good to her. now her troubles are over, she was born in 1860 so she was old enough to die.
The water bills are here, so I will sent them along. hope they are not more than you expected. the Bruces bill seems high. Ma