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a pension from her first marriage & lives with her daughter in Barberton Ohio. thats is Josephine.

I have done my washing & this is the first day the clothes did'nt freeze, so I took advantage of it and washed my dress, as it fades things to freeze them. I was going to iron it now so it can be ready to put on tomorrow. it certainly looks at though the sun was trying to shine throug a snow bank. but hope it wont be a cloud burst like it was last Sunday, for that brought us the cold spell & it lasted all the week. Ilga described it far better than it were possile for me to.

Mary Lython was not to meeting with her son so Mrs Barry said she is not very well has funny spells that come over her all of a sudden. otherwise she seems to enjoy life with her two children. she may go sudden but dont know what Frank will do without her. Mrs Barry had a ride down with Winnie & home with Frank. so you see she is always lucky to get rides people go out of their way to take her.

Marion Ostin & Mary Winslow & Brent are going to get up a dancing class in the town hall & hire a teacher from Brockton to instruct them, so to learn the art of dancing. Lareta & her darling Neil Williams are to attend it pretty late in life one would think.  Ma