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she lives an unnatural life and will never be happy. A little of something to take up her ming away from herself would be a beneift. She is good hearted so she can be but wants every one to follow out her ideas good bad or indifferent.
The bundle arrived yesterday afternoon, with the little one for pattern. I am writing the letter so the post man can it if he comes this morning. The going is very slippery for her to go to the movies unless she rides. she is always very fortunate to get a chance to ride with someone Winnie called up one day to know if she wanted to go down to the movies with her. she was going to take Richard he goes down every week & she knows Mrs Barry is good to him, she gave him a book for xmas that was enough to win them you better believe. he has improved greatly very polite & talks more intelligently. Petes wife is loud in praise of him. glad of it. he lives longer that the most of them do.
Our backroom is pretty chilly this morning. I shall be glad when it moderates we certainly are having winder now. but it won' last forever (thanks be). as you say Lena got it in the nick of time. so they think down to Mary Lyncher. i f the tenth was told. Mrs Legg is (thick as two peas in a pod) with the Lafens. birds of a feather I a afraid of such people. Ma