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Stoughton January 20th 1939

Dear Folks

We are having very chilly weather, with a little fall of snow occasionally, but not enough to do any harm just enough to make slipping going.

Theres a gang of men working on the stand pipe hill clearing away the rocks WPA & they dont work enough to keep them selves warm but manage to get along & draw their pay out of the town [[?]] same.

Pete McGarveys wife told us they were going to put up a new stand Pipe in back of this old one. so we are not going to get rid of it after all. its too bad they want another one to use when the first is cleaned out & to use in case of more water if they need it.

Now that letter with those pictures I put it in the door so the Postman could take it. the day Mrs Barry went to Worcester with the crowd she forgot to take my letter untill she got started & then being in a hurry past by it so it was there until late I saw it at four O'clock & then the next time I looked it was'nt there, so I supposed he came late. but last night this