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Stoughton January 15th, 1939

Dear Folks

We got snow yesterday but only a light covering it stopped before it got to us. they got it through the west & in N York heavy, but thanks be we escaped the most of it this time. today its very sunny but cold.
I got up at two O'clock & saw a beautiful moon by going into the front chamber, so it cleared in the night. another storm near at hand they say.
Maude Capen says that was going to Winter Park when she left here, she might have changed her mind though after wards. suppose she has got some where by now, hope she can strike a job, as guess she will need one down there sooner or later. she must have intended to make a long stay for she took a large trunk besides lots of suite cases. before she only took one bag so she told him. it may be she will stay all summer, she dont mind heat, its cold, she has the low blood pressure which is far worse than hig they say. I hope she strikes some thing worth while, we shall miss her coming up Sunday nights. I am glad she has got away from there I dont like the neighborhood that Mrs Lugg is  just like the Capens she is