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all in with them & Lena was very thick with them also.
I hate to see this day go down its so sunny. though cool. I have got my washing done & the clothes are dry.
I am sorry you are having boils you must get some "Browns herbal ointment" & that will surely put a stop to such things. it was Pa's medicine & he had them on the back of his neck untill he got hold of that remedy & never was bothered afterwards. it would have prevented Ralph's losing his finger if he had kept at it. but no doctor wants anything done but their prescription, so he took off your Pa's bandage after he had done up the finger & lost it down to the first joint. it begins to heal from the bottom & goes up & is an excelent remedy, so I advise you to try it. some of these old fashioned medicines are far better than the present ones. Myra Petrolium for instance a sure cough remedy & just as good for Pneumonia. & no care to use. I had croupy children & it was a safe cure for them. I never dared to go to bed at night without knowing where to put my hand on the medicine, for it takes hold of the child so quickly & I was always alone when they were taken.

Anna Lamb is still under the nurses care but much better she said she had money to pay the nurse, but guess she has'nt much to sport around with. Swans tavern they say has changed hands the Cardells have got out & a young couple there have brought it I wonder where Maggie Farrell is. I must ask Anna  Ma.