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Stoughton January 5th, 1938

Dear Folks,

Today the sun is shining. It has been cloudy & looked like snow for the last three days & it didn't ammount to much. So now with just a thin covering of snow in a few exposed places & frosty temperature, we are having it sunny & not so cold. We cant find fault with the winter we are getting so far, we have had but little snow. 

I suppose Lena is far on her way to Florida by bus. You no need to expect her. She is searching for a warm  sunny climate, hope she finds it soon. Jimmie at last decided her to go we think, she never was satisfied anywhere it was'nt in her nature from early birth. She has exalted ideas far beyond her station. Its a darn pity she has'nt the means to carry them out. I guess Berniee was the same. Her own family dont sympathize with them & guess they know them of old. Nobody could live long with Lena. Her gal drives me wild. When she comes & talks with Mrs Barry I have to get out.