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[[top margin]] PS we got little Doris thank you letters they were very nice glad your xmas passed off so nice your slip was cheap we got it here in town & it cost less than others being an odd size. Ma this morning looks like a snow storm [[/top margin]]

Dear Folks

This is a Marchy day our snow went off in the night, so the ground is bare again which seems good light snow flurries seems all we have lately just enough to cover the ground which is enough.

Alice has just called up to say that they would come for Mrs Barry around five for supper. they wanted her down there last night but she got out of it by saying she expected company. Bill came so it was'nt a lie. but this time she could'nt get out of it. so will have to go its her old irish crowd as usual. what would Sue say? that is the only company she goes with its a pity she had'nt married George Lynch she cares for no one else. I told her the other day that I did'nt care to stay here alone evenings, but what good does it do. its what she cares that counts. she is a very selfish person 

Myrtie is still nursing up to Mrs Hearts & takes care of her nights. Alfreds wife was there nights but she got tired out & went home the mother had a shock & hope she does'nt linger like some do as it makes it hard