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Stoughton December 30th, 1938

Dear Folks,
We are having it a little warmer since last night, the sun has clouded in & it looks again like a storm we all through with our Christmas for this year. I certainly fared bountifully. I gave Mrs. Barry a bed quilt & she made me a present of a pair of felt slippers, a string of gold pearls, and very pretty set of (tidiex) for the easy chair. Her sister sent me a corsage bouquet of violets very daintily & a card. Lena gave an electrical thing to put on for treating legs or shoulders that ache never shall use it (lused) such an instrument when she was here once. Alice came here before Christmas and brought me a cushion cover she made out of patchwork little pieces and spent the day. She seems anything but happy living with Matty Sewall but is afraid to go anywhere else for fear of losing her pension. We don't see how she stands the place its growing worse the fool is losing his mind more and later on he will be unfit to live with. He is now (matter) is liable to go first her heart is weak and she is hard to live with gets crankey Alice says and wont