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hotel. she will squirm you bet for every body says she is stingy & goes by that name here in town is not popular with many people. I dont blame her for wanting to get away from that lonesome house at West Stoughton. she was there all alone most of the time.
     I have been waiting to hear from Luna. I hav'nt seen her but once since thanksgiving but as its stormy today, shall not meet her yet. it hasn't rained but little through the nights but it doesn't seem to clear off. 
     That Blessed Darling seems to be a good & honest one he said today he had hard work to make Mrs Mansfield seen the heater, since they got such a [[?]] bear [[/?]] once it & came so [[?]] meak [[/?]] being blown [[?]] never [[/?]] their house rocked like an earth quake, but goes there now every week & tells them its all tight. I think they have were lucky not to have had it all blown to pieces. he said it was a terrible fake job, but it seems all right now. & must have east gone a lot. he made money at your expense all right. the lazy little [[?]]humans ox [[/?]].
     Mrs. Barry is going to [[?]]Wallaecton [[/?]] Christmas with Benton Winslow & his new bride to Bernard [[?]] Bathers [[/?]] where they always to to spend their Christmas eve since her husband died [[?]] Mamic [[/?]] usually goes to but won't be here this year. hope you are over your sniffles by now take care of yourself. Ava