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Stoughton Dec 11th 1938

Dear Folks

Theres nothing to do now so will scratch off a few lines to you. it is clouding up. she has just gone off to meeting with Frank Reynolds & little Norma Holmes who he always takes along to church. she lives on Lambert ave & signs [[sings]] in their quire [[choir]] a funny little piece & in love with boys in general. she comes in to say hello to me always.

We have hung suet on the trees but birds havent found it yet. I love to watch them when they do after a snow they are greedy for food.

I read in the Enterprise yesterday about an accident. an auto ran into three boys & one of the boys that was hurt was Francis Ayers so I called up Lottie it seemed they were walking home from Springdale & this car was comining from Canton. he jumped into the bushes & so was not hurt as badly as the other two, but she said it was bad enough so he would have to remain quiet for a few days.

We dont hear from Mamie Kate so her cousin is afraid she is worse or she would write there are