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her & why she dont get well. her back seems better but theres something that keeps her from getting up. Laura is very poorly. she cant see any body, it hurts her to talk, its her heart. her days are spent in quietness, she has always been an active worker & will probably go very suddenly like all her family.
I have been cleaning out the chimbney. he said he would, but suppose it would be so much extra, so thought if I could do the work would try, we have been to enough expense as it is. I got out four heaping pails of stuff & guess now it is safe as it ever was.
Kimptis will come to finish up his job when he can leave. he is a good man & means what he says. Carrara will bear watching. I have always felt he took home our short ladder, we always kept it under the little building & when Gregory came to put on the storm windows, he missed it & asked him where it was & after a while he said he took it down home. he would kept it I think, if it had'nt been missed by Colcord. He found it a handy thing to have. darn such folks. Althou he does a good job & his prices are very reasonable. but he will bear watching. just the same. his door yard is full of wood he took down more than was any need of here it needed a man to oversee & keep him within bounds. Ma