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Stoughton November 10th 1938

Dear Folks

Since the rain of last night our weather has cleared off a bit cooler the wind getting out to the NWest during the early morning more seasonable feeling weather.

Well our Political meeting turned out better than we expected. Mrs. Barry sat up untill 12 O'clock to get the returns. it seems that Curley got drunker than a fool & could'nt talk, so his wife had to apologize & had to take him away for a ride in the fresh air to get him over his drunken spell.  Jimmie Lehan has been spending money even opened a club room in his building to support the cause for Saltonstall. I guess a great many turned against voting for the old (crook) there seems to be a lot of good ones who voted against their party for the better man. he ought to be ashamed to go for office again but theres plenty of brass in his make up & his first wife who was a good woman died. she must have had more influence than this second one who belonged to a night club. a corus [[chorus]] girl & cheap.

Transcription Notes:
Curley - governor of Mass. Saltonstall - defeated Curley for governor in 1938