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all day jaunt. so today I am going to make me an oyster stew for dinner & take it as easy as possible. 

All this nice sunny weather Kimptis has not been here to shingle the house. he must be busy on his other job. carpenters they say are in great demand since the hurrycane. hope they dont have another tomorrow. some one prophesied we have one Monday. we have not got over this one yet. 

Such things going on in the world makes one think we know nothing from day to day  what is going to happen next. we realize theres an overruling power & we are but spots on the face of the earth & can be wiped out without a moments warning.

A new family moved into the house below us yesterday they fixed it up so that it looks fine. I should think from appearances they are people that are worth while. a big moving truck stands in  their drive way to day havent heard who they are yet. 

Now all the houses that have stood empty in our neighborhood are filled up. the Darlings over accross the way belongs to the WPA & Poor McKay has warned them out but [[strikethrough]] but [[/strikethrough]] the law they say cant put them out & they know it. its hard for the owner Ma